(+34) 985 96 32 95 jangel@jangelalvarez.com











Human capital, our main value

Firm founded by JOSÉ ÁNGEL ÁLVAREZ GUTIÉRREZ, providing a wide and dense academic and professional career specialized in all economic and tax areas:

  • Graduate in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid and Postgraduate at ICADE.
  • Chartered Accountant.
    State Financial and Tax Inspector (currently on leave of absence).
  • Former Chief Inspector of the Oviedo Finance Delegation.
  • Former Head of the Tax department of Arthur Andersen (Barcelona).
  • Former Secretary General of Banco Herrero.

JOSÉ ÁNGEL ÁLVAREZ GUTIÉRREZ, has placed its trust in a young and dynamic team of professionals in Economics and Law, with a great capacity for effort and commitment, and with excellent academic training, completed in all cases by a strict specialization in the tax and commercial sector. , whose tasks interact continuously in order to provide the client with the highest quality and efficiency in all their business needs and demands.

At the head of the firm, in the second generation, is currently ANDRÉS ÁLVAREZ IGLESIAS, graduated in law from the University of Oviedo, opposed for 5 years to the judicial and fiscal career, and a university master’s degree in Superior Tax Technique, Secretary of Boards of Directors of relevant companies, with extensive professional experience, specialized in corporate operations for restructuring and advising on family assets, business succession and corporate operations where tax and commercial law are particularly relevant.

Let’s work together