(+34) 985 96 32 95 jangel@jangelalvarez.com

Legal notice


Website Ownership

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ is the owner of the website you are visiting now, as well as the domain name, the images that you can see, the content and other elements available in the different web sections.

Calle Uría núm. 18 – 3º izquierda, con código postal 33003 de Oviedo – Principado de Asturias.

You can contact us by email jangel@jangelalvarez.com or by phone 985963295.

Please, if when visiting our website you detect any fault, mistake or vulnerability, kindly inform us by email.

Conditions of access and use

By accessing our website, you will be considered a user ; and, therefore, you will be subject to the conditions detailed on our website.

As a visitor and user of this website, you assume the commitment to comply with our published conditions and policies. As a user, you are responsible for the proper use of it, not causing any damage to the website, to the hosting systems, the network or any other area affected by this use.

Availability and continuity

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ has a web hosting with sufficient security measures to ensure integrity, availability and confidentiality.

We cannot ensure uninterrupted availability of the website or the services associated with it, for 24 hours, 365 days. We cannot assume any type of responsibility for the unavailability or non-continuity of the website or the services associated with it. It is possible that technical shutdowns or unavailability periods of the web should be scheduled for technical and security reasons. In any case, when possible, we will inform our users and try to restore the web service as soon as possible.

We recommend you adopt safety guidelines for surfing the net. It is essential to have a properly updated web browser, an antivirus with valid signatures, and an updated operating system. Please, consult specialized web pages with information for users about internet security, such as http://www.osi.es, https://www.incibe.es, http://www.agpd.es/

Please let us know if you encounter any problems during your visit.

Personal data protection

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ cares about your privacy and in order to offer you greater security and safeguard of your personal data, as well as greater transparency about the use that will be made with them, we have developed and published our Privacy Policy on this website.

Intellectual property and know-how

The corporate identity signs that appear on this website belong to FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ and these are our distinctive labels in the market with which we have achieved an excellent positioning in the sector, thanks to our know-how and professionalism.

The use of our emblems and image is permitted, as long as it is for the purpose of our promotion and does not involve any acts contrary to good faith or unfair competition acts or those that may damage our good name; and without the user being able to be attributed any right over them.

The inclusion of any of these elements on our website does not mean or imply the withdrawal, assignment, license or transfer of rights to any third party who may visit us. The transformation of the elements of this website is not permitted, unless this is previously authorized by FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ. We inform you that FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ may exercise its right as owner of this website, against any misuse.

It is possible that on our website the user may find brands, logos or commercial names that identify third parties. The fact that these distinctive signs are published does not authorize users to reproduce them. Please, check with each owner of these signs first in order to request their authorization.

If as a user of this website, you consider that any of the content violates any intellectual property rights or any other current right, please let us know by email at jangel@jangelalvarez.com or by phone 985963295.

Links and social networks

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ does not assume any responsibility, when there are links or access to third party sites, on this website, including links to social networks. When you access third party sites, you will be linked to the legal conditions of each website. Please, check the legal conditions of each website you visit, using the links on our website, to know the obligations established in each one of them.

Please, when you access our profiles on social networks, you must carefully read the conditions established in each of them. FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ cannot accept any responsibility for the content or opinions that other users may make, but we will be vigilant and delete those contents that we do not consider appropriate or that are contrary to the corporate philosophy of FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ .


  • • Responsibility for availability, continuity and functionality of the website:

We cannot assume responsibility for the availability or continuity of the website. Technology is unpredictable and although we do our best to maintain proper continuity, our website can fail.

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ is not responsible for the lack of web functionality, in case of deactivation of cookies on the web page. Please read first the information regarding our cookies, which you can find in our Cookies Policy.

  • Responsibility for misuse, illegal or fraudulent uses of third parties:

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ is released as the owner of this website, for the misuse, illegal or fraudulent use that third parties may make of this website, so when acts of a third party on our website may cause damages to our company or any third parties, we will collect all the necessary expert information and we will proceed to initiate every legal actions. When a criminal act is caused by these acts, we will proceed to communicate these facts to the corresponding Force enforcement agents.

  • Responsability for third party advertising:

Our website may contain commercial information of third parties who are the ones responsible for the legal compliance of their published content, and FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ cannot asume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies and irregularities of that advertising content.

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ reserves the right to delete those contents that are not according to the current legislation; as well as, if applicable, to initiate pertinent legal actions aimed to compensate the damages that these contents may have caused to FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Our website is subject to current Spanish law, information society and data protection, among others. In case of a dispute, imperative forums will be used, or when that is not possible, the competent law Courts in Oviedo.

FISCAL CONSULTANT – J&A ÁLVAREZ reserves the right to modify these conditions of use at any time, publishing them on this website and in the same way as the current ones. In any case, the provided conditions will always be in accordance with Spanish law and standards of good practices.

Fecha de publicación: 22 de abril de 2021, Principado de Asturias.


Todos los derechos reservados.

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